
It is already Dec. 26th today. I was so busy that could not stay in front of my computer to update my blog! Also, one of reasons is poor service of our internet connection at my office. It has been very busy but a special and blessed month for sure. We had the service of Lessons and Carols with eight different groups involved to lift up our heart to our New Born King. I loved the worship service myself. Not because of how music or other group performed but because I could worship Him and feel people's hearts to God. I prayed a lot for the service that God may bring the lost even one to the worship service and had gotten confidence that God did even though I did not know who they were. Emmanuel, God is with us, is miracle and grace. How could God come to us! As Philppians 2;5-11." Jesus made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, and he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even death ...