Happy birthday, Joanne~!

When I found out that I got pregnant with Joanne, I was not happy. I was ready to go back to my doctoral program after two years of break with my Christine. I confessed my un-grateful heart about the baby and accepted the gift, Joanne. It was harder with so many ways than Christine's time. Because Jason was taking full time classes, working at school and it led us limited in several ways, especially financially. I could not eat well with Joanne somehow and could not afford to buy special food for my craving either. So, I had to keep my craving down with ramen noodles for all most everyday. I do remember still. However, I went to the dawn prayer service at the Korean UMC every morning. Somehow, I was not sad or depressed because of lack of many things but instead I was very content. Especially, when I had Joanne at the hospital, I was very grateful. My mom could not come to help me out because of my dad who was seriously ill when I had the baby. So Jason had to take care of Christine while I was in labor. Amazingly, I was not sad at all even though people were pity on me. I stayed all evening by myself at the hospital and even took epidural. Nurses and doctor kept asking that if I had any family or friends to be with at least for the epidural but I told them about my situation. I gave q quick call to home when I was ready to have Joanne, and there were Christine in a stroller still not sleeping and Jason. Christine finally fell a sleep right beside me while the baby was delivered. The baby was beyond cute and solid! even as an infant! She even did not cry much and just ready to live her new life in the world. That is Joanne. Joanne is full of confidence always from the beginning, and stubborn. Because of her character, she has given us more challenge than Christine. However, she gives full of energy and love for sure. She became seven years old today. I had a moment to look her older pictures and felt sorry that I could not give my full attention to her when she was younger. I was too busy to give her my all attention. I had to be a full time doctoral student, teaching undergraduate class, and working as a music director at church. I hope my girls can understand their mommy's heart sometimes. Beyond all of those things, I always give big thanks to the Lord for His endless blessings with my girls. They are truly the blessed presents from Him. I kneel before Him to lift them up to the Lord everyday.