Learning from having a dog

I have learned a lot how God, our heavenly Father, would feel since I have my two girls. I have more felt His hearts toward His children as a parent truly more.
I also have been learning how stubborn and dumb I am through my dog, Angie's behavior lately.
Angie knows that she will choke badly if she drags herself the end of the leash but she keeps doing it. Also, she knows that she will be in a big trouble if she eats bad things, but she eats anyway.
I hope I am wise and disciplined so I can stop when God tells me to stop. Honestly, I can hear Him most of times saying "Yoon, stop it! it is not helping you at all.'' I do anyway and regret. How dumb I am!
Well.... Beyond all these, there are Grace and Mercy from the Father. That is why I am still alive.