Evil desire.

but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
(James 1:14-15, NIV)

Well,...I am not talking about really evil desire such as stealing, lying, or adulteries. I am trying to talking about what can be my evil desire which makes me tempted, dragged away and enticed. I had a moment this morning which made me upset and sad. It was dragged me away and enticed for a while. However, I heard clear God's voice that it was from my evil desire! So, I confessed my evil desire and decided to stop to think about it. Instead, God reminded me how God has been faithful to me and my family. He literally said to me " Have I ever steered you wrong?". No, Lord.
It is very hard to understand why someone gets better teachers than my kids'. And when I heard that some kids who have many connections in the school got into the same class with a good teacher, I felt so powerless and angry. My first reaction was betrayed, unfairness, and angry. However, none of them was not from God, I knew. 'How do you know, that teacher is the best for your child, Yoon? Tell me? I heard your prayers and I know better than anybody else, Yoon. Why did you compare to other people again?'. But, Lord, I felt so...unfair still. I confessed that I am just a typical mom who wants her kids to have the best. And God reminded me again that He is a typical Father, who gives His children best. I should have recognized sooner!! I lifted my hands again to the Lord today that I am nothing totally without Him. I am just a saved sinner by His mercy and grace.


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