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Whenever I am stressed out something, I want to eat 'junk food'. The craving goes sometimes irresistibly bad. I had that craving again this morning for McDonald's breakfast sandwich with a iced coffee. I drove to the church but couldn't stop thinking about it and went out again to get the thing. I know it is not good for me but I had to have it this morning. It reminded me "evil desire" from yesterday scripture. Of course, I confessed.
On the other hand, I have thought about my real craving after I finished the sandwich. I might have craved for "soul food" not "junk food". Even though I finished the thing, I have felt still empty. It is definitely not for the food, but something for my Spirit.
I should have been able to distinguish which one I crave for. I think I knew it was not for the food but I ignored. I need to obey to Holy Spirit whenever it happens. I knew better. However, I am thankful that God reminds me always what I should do. I need to kneel again to confess that I am nothing without You, Lord.