Decision, Decision!!

Two of very important things in my life have been processing at the same time lately. That was why I haven't been able to write often. We are buying a house. Well.... I know, most people has their houses. I haven't. We lived a humble apartment on campus for 12 years as students. The apartment covered all utilities and basic cable TV and most, was on campus. So, we didn't have to worry anything. If you remember how it was for you to buy the first one, you might understand me. We were looking for one for several months through web site, visiting, and driving by. We like to stay near kids' school so, we limited the subdivision to choose. Anyway, I signed a contract last night. And there are tons of paper works to fill for the mortgage company. Another one is filling for green card application. This one is more complicated and annoying too. I know there are many people cheat their histories, documents to get the green cards. So, the department became ridiculously strict. I don't blame them. However, I am well educated, honest, and pretty nice. They will not regret to give me one for sure.

Both two major things have made me think more seriously about "trust" and "listening" to the Lord. Honestly, I couldn't hear Him saying "that is your house, Yoon, go get it!". However, I have had a deep peace when I entered the house. I still need to go through the process to get the house as well as the green card. However, I believe whether I will get them or not, I am 100% sure that my God is faithful and gives me best. He has been. I just need to remember!! So, I lift my hands to praise and show Him that I am not mine. I am Yours!!


dawnp said…
Well yoon, I think you are pretty nice, too. I am praying that you do get your grren card and your house if that is your dream and it is God's will for you. I know God is faihtful all the time, even when things are difficult and we have tough decisions to make about our lives. His plan for us is always better then anything we could ever imagine. It is good to remember to praise HIm for all things in our life.

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