The living life

Have you thought about "living life?" We live on earth. People live. One of cartoon characters in children's movie lately said " I don't want to survive but I wan to live." How can we tell we are living now. We could survive or just pass every day life so easily without thinking. A meaning of living must have been something different than just existing. Living means that moving, active, and inter-active one another. On Monday I had to go to have ultra sound in Savannah. While I was waiting, I read a wonderful story from a magazine in a waiting area. The story was about one middle aged woman in country side of India. She did not have any medical training or degree but has been helping women and babies as well as children in a small village for more than a decade. She does have only one blood pressure pump and scale, that is all. However, she has delivered 522 babies with 100 % successful delivery with healthy babies. She visits people, most of women in the village twice a day, checking their blood pressure, having pelvic exams, and hearing their stories. She even had leprosy when she was young. If she finds a dangerous case of pregnant woman, she helps them to go to a hospital immediately. She does not get paid a lot but does help a numerous women who mostly are neglected, and abused by their husbands and families. As I read the story, I asked myself many questions about how to live as living life as a good Christian. She even was not a Christian at all but she said she will help with her best, love, and warm hearts. She certainly has compassion. She is certainly living"living life".
We all agree and believe that our God is the Living God but we limits Him in certain areas. He might be the living God in only our sunday services. We don't want to see or agree how He is the living God. We may be afraid of to see the living God's actions really.
I want to live a really living life. Only way I can live a living life is "live in the living God".
I know it sounds a little bit strange but I do want to live in Him always.


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