P& P Ministries

After I heard Rev. Bill's sermon yesterday, I have thought about my calling from the Lord. I could call "P& P ministries". Praise and Prayer ministries. Especially, I am called for P& P ministries for sure at least at my church.
Lately, we have been focusing, at least myself, about how to live as a real active Christian. As I shared from last article, I have thought about how to be a living Christian who is active, quickly response to what the Lord says. As I walked with the prayer walk team this morning, lots of thoughts occurred in my head. First word came to me was"awake." It is related to also "active". How can I be awake in the Spirit always? How can I make people awake in the Spirit? If we are awake in the Spirit, we must have been responding to what the Lord says immediately. It is one of my resolutions. "Respond immediately! and don't postpone!" First thing First! Our priority can be made by ourselves. I myself, make lots of excuses about late responses from the Lord. I know all is from my decision of making priority. There is anyone to blame or make an excuse. It is all from my decision even though it looks not. Especially, Praise and prayers are from our decision. There is no excuse that someone or some circumstances make ourselves not to praise and pray. It is bitter but still true factor.
I had a moment to think about "quitting" the prayer walk with lack of responses from people. People said it was too early morning, so I moved to the afternoon. And they said it is too middle of a day to come to church. Before I decided to quit the prayer walk, I looked for any word in the bible "stop pray". I could not find one. So, I decided to keep doing it whether people will come or not. Also, I moved the time back to early morning. Praise and Prayer have a same requirement. "Commitment". Also P& P come from "lots of practice" and "discipline". If you do more, you will be better at. Like Hank's sermon, lots of people look for "being comfortable" as Christians. However, I think being a christian means I am giving up being comfortable in this world. My mom always tells me "comfortable life can destroy our life in Christ". She got through so much difficult time in her life but she told me that she could go nearer to the Lord because of the difficulties. I don't know yet how to share my vision and invite people to join me in P& P ministries. However, I will pray more for the ministries and people. I do remember that God kept Holy people for Elijah. I will pray to look for the people. I will pray for soften their hearts and open their eyes when they drive by our church that they think about at least once about God and themselves. Life will be better when we are active in Him.


God's call on our life does not take us to the place of measurable results, but to the place of obedience. Keep on with your "P&P Ministry." It encourages me and others!

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