What wondrous love is this!

Today was the Good Friday. Because of the busy schedule at my church, I haven't spent much time to pray or read more bible to meditate about the last week of Jesus' life on earth. It is very hard to focus when there are tons of works to do to. I have felt that some degree of regret how fast this week went without having an intimate time with Jesus. Even though I sang countless hymns and listened many meditation, I should have had some time off to have a that quite time with Jesus only more. While I was sitting at the long service this afternoon, I thought about Jesus. Why does he love us that much? I still could not understand some times. We are not even that nice at all and he already knew about us but sill loves us even given up his life for us. What wondrous love is this! we don't deserve that love but He still loves us. That is why it is wondrous and mysterious. As a sinner, I may not be able to understand his love. However, I am just overwhelmed by his love. He even did not say one word saying to blame, curse, or boast on the cross. If I were him, at least I would say one thing " it is all their fault".
why do you love us this much, Jesus? why?


A Cup Bearer said…
One of my favorite hymns is "What Wondrous Love is This." That love truly is incomprehensible. Like you, I found myself saddened by my lack of time to sit and think about all Jesus did for me during those days of Holy Week. Praise God that His work continues as does my opportunity to reflect and be thankful.

Thanks for the entry and your transparency.

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