Daniel's prayers

I have thought too much lately with so many issues in our lives and could not figure them out into writing. That is one of reasons that I haven't been able to update anything lately. However, I have been enjoying presence of God in prayer and worship. I have started attending regularly to the dawn service in Korean baptist church from Wed. to Sat. morning. I could not stay longer to pray because I have to come home to wake my kids to be ready for their school but I stay longer on Saturday. It is a such a blessing that there is a Korean church nearby for that service. I do not think it is matter with God whether I pray at home or at church but I really enjoy opening a new day with praising God, hearing God's word and fervent prayers. God wakes me up at 5:08 every morning for more than a week now. I could not believe how exact the time is at the clock next my bed. I know that God wants to me to kneel first thing in the morning.
Our sanctuary reading bible has gotten now to "Daniel". As I read out loud Daniel's story today, I could not resist not to kneel right away and pray for our church, nation, and world. Daniel did not take any food and confessing his sin and his people's sin and asking God's mercy upon them. He was desperate for God's mercy. I have been asking myself a question that do I have that desperate heart like Daniel about getting God's mercy upon everyone? Do I? God might want that heart from me anything else. I sometimes over work like Martha does and loose or miss what the most important matter is. God does not need anything to be shown off but the heart and relationship to Him. I really do want to be covered not showing myself in public when I lead choirs and I have been praying about it. I do not want people see me who looks working hard. I pray that people see and feel God's presence at our worship and praise instead of seeing people or me conducting. I do want to be like Mary who desired to hear the words from Jesus and have a close relationship with Jesus more than works to be shown. I also want to have the heart like Daniel seeking God's mercy desperately upon everyone. Lord, have mercy upon us!!