Dating with the One

It has been for over a month now that God has waken me up around 3:00 or 4:00 regularly with a song, or words in my hearts. Amazingly, I haven't been tired at all, but I have felt more energeric with deep peace. I have enjoyed so much this date with God in the early mornings, and am afraid of what if I forget this intimate time with God in the future. When I started a month ago, I was desperated to know what God wanted me to do in that situation. I still haven't heard anything as an answer but keep hearing the same message that "Seeking Kingdome of God and His righteousness" and Keep praying in His Spirit no matter what. So, what I can I do more except obey to what He tells me to do everyday? Only "prayer". That is the reason that I wake up early. Even though it has been more than month now, I wake up with great excitment and expectation for the Lord every single morning. It has been just undescribly precious.

More than fifteen years ago before I married, I used to wake up around 4:00 and prayed for more than two hours everyday when I was in a missionary group to be trained as a full time missionary. For a whole year, I kept the hours, and prayed during a day with the group also. I could tell that I totally surrendered all my life and everything. I always thought about that time and wanted to go back to have that thirst and longing to be nearer to the Lord everyday. I believe that God has been restoring me in prayers and His word like that time. Actually, God has started restoring since I moved down here especially as I started kneeling down at the sanctuary every morning. Even though I am nothing without Him, He loves me so much and wants me to have an intimate relationship. That is just beyond amazing. Almighty God wants to have a relationship with like me!

One of evidences when I pray deeply is peace from above. The siuation is exactly same before or after a prayer, but my heart become totally different than before. Peace, Peace, Wonderful peace is from above! I pray that God will continue helping me to keep this sweet hour of prayer. I love You Lord!


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