Welcome July!

Oh~! my goodness! It is truly July! We are starting a new half of 2009! Welcome July! even though the weather is steamy hot. July is a true summer month; VBS, pools, ice-cream, fire-works and so on. It has been a wonderful two and half months with my mom and she is leaving on July 6th to Korea. I have felt some regrets with many stuff. For example, I could not take her out certain places in Savannah but I told her that I need to save those places for later her visit. I wish I could take care of her nearby until she goes our eternal home. I really do wish. However, I pray that God sends loving people around her to make her happy and not lonely without her kids nearby. I am already sad but trust the Lord that He will be with her always.

I enjoyed a lot at Lake Junaluska last week. Most of all, I enjoyed seeing 1100 people who are devotional to music to serve the Lord. Each morning, my heart was pounding with expectation and longing for morning worship service. I cried a lot because of God's beauty. I could see His beautiful creation in nature, people, music, arts, and hearts. I wish that I have talents to describe vividly how beautiful God's world is. I wish that I have big hearts to contain all the love, grace, joy, and peace from Him to share with others. I wish that I have an ability to deliver those beautiful words of God. However, God comforted me that He sees my hearts and love toward Him. I do not want to live to be just medium. I will do my best to live in this world to lift my heart to the Lord and to work hard with my talents to produce as much as I can. So, I want to hear from my Lord at the end," You, good servant, did your best! Now, take rest and enjoy eternity with me." Let's work! We do not have time to sit and being whiny!


Unknown said…
AMEN!! Yoon, you DO have the words to express it all! Every time I read your blogs or hear you speak to us, I feel God's presence and blessing. Thank you for serving Him and us the way you do!!

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