Create me in a clean heart

I am not good at cleaning, sorting, or filing even though I spent lots of time for them. I don't mind doing those. Some people say "I hate cleaning". But for my case, I don't hate but I am not good at. Do you get the differences? I spend more than other people who are good at cleaning for cleaning but result is worse. I sometime wants to hire some people to do it for me.
Anyway, today was our church cleaning day. Jason and I cleaned the Sanctuary as well as the hall way walls with oil. While I was cleaning dust off from each congregation seats, I prayed for people as well as myself that Lord cleanse me with His blood and give us a clean heart. As we know, we need to cleaning often to keep the clean condition. If we do often, it takes less timing and effort but if we postpone and clean only once in a while, it takes many hours as well as our energy and effort. It is same as our heart. If I keep postponing to confess or admit my sin or fault, it roots deeply and hard to be taken off. I notice that if it is a small one, it is worse than a big one because it can be hidden or ignored easily. It is like a weed. If you don't take them off with root completely, it grows quickly and doubling enormously. Also, it is same in relationship too. If I feel something upset with someone, I should solve the problem. However, most of time, I do not. I just put up with it. However, I don't forget or forgive. That is the beginning of problems. Then, when I get the point that I can't stand it anymore, I become a live volcano. And the other side person can't understand because the person does not understand the root. I have to make myself to express my emotion when it happens at the first place. I learned from one seminar with a special minister who was an expert for relationship that we need to use " I message" to express our emotion to other people. If something happens, and you feel upset, you just need to simply say " I am upset" to other side. If it hurts, I just simply say " I felt hurt". However, I notice that most of times, I use "You message" instead. "You made me upset" The power of I message is it is harmless toward the other side person. It is just expression. I still forget to use I message than You message. I have prayed that whenever I need to clean or fix my heart, I kneel down quickly or go to see the person right away to restore relationship. It could be between friends and me or God and me.


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