True Friend

In many thoughts lately, I have realized how important to pray fervently in Holy Spirit. I pray for many people and stuff but do not sometimes realize how important it is to pray in the Spirit. The dawn service has been a big help for me to focus on praying and listening God's word clearly. Amazing thing is that God shows how much details about living as a good christian which I haven't been able to follow well. On last Monday night, I had found out again that people did not invite me to one of my friends birthday party. I felt so left out again, and cried for a while with sadness that people do not accept me as their friend but only see me as a person who works for them. I simply was missing having friends. While I was crying, Jesus reminded me that He is my friend, and asked me what I need to have more. I prayed and confessed that I knew that Jesus is my friend but did not really consider Him as my real friend. At the very next morning dawn service, a lady,who leads two hymns in the beginning of the service, led two songs ;what a friend we have in Jesus, and Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted?. It seemed coincidence but I saw that as Jesus was telling me again about Him as my friend. Also, He reminded me who He had as friends and whom He was a friend to; the needy, the sick, the poor, and the heart-broken. How about me? Jesus wants me to live like Him and that is why we call ourselves "Christians". However, I did not prefer to be a friend of those people honestly. This Sunday is the world communion Sunday. It will be a great chance to repent my sins especially related to boastfulness and not humbled living this world as God's child. I like this prayer on the World communion Sunday from gbod website.
" Jesus prayed that we might be one.One in spirit One in mission In union and communion with each other and with You.
Today, God, we confess fumblings and failures in accomplishing unity, as we set aside yet another day to remind ourselves of the task.On this World Communion Sunday, give us eyes to recognize your reflection in the eyes of Christians everywhere. Give us a mind to accept and celebrate our differences.Give us a heart big enough to love your children everywhere.We thank you for setting a table with space enough for us all! Amen. "


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