My church, Richmond Hill UMC, VBS starts tomorrow. It is first time to lead music part with more than 100 kids for me. Have you heard about people said that whoever has been in the church, they always would come back to be Christians? I heard that when I grow up in Korea and I believe that because I did. And many of my families and friends did too. So, I think, it is very important let any people to be at the church with any circumstance. When I was barely four years old, one of my friends who used to live next door, invited me to go with her and her sisters to her church on Christmas eve service. Believe or not, I still remember what I saw, heard, and had that day. I went to the church on next year Easter with them too. I remember the movie about Jesus' life and Easter egg. I was amazed about the colored egg and kept too long until it got spoild. Inviting the children is literally like planting seeds. Because the children's hearts and souls are like empty fields, the seeds grow miraculously. I have prayed that God use our VBS as one of planting seed step to the children. What an amazing opportunity to give hands to help the Farmer Lord!!


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