
After the VBS, I decided to have some time off for a few days. However, it is hard to have some quite time with two lively girls at home. I am a hard worker. I love to work and study. one of reasons that I get bored and depressed is "being lazy". I can't stand "non-motivate life". I used to go to swim with my girls all most everyday in the afternoon during summer. And I studied at the library during the day. That was my more than ten years summer at Indiana. So, it is very hard for me with new summer schedule. I love to work but there are not many activities in the afternoon in here. One thing for sure is short of public facilities in here. It makes me sad and depressed. I shouldn't complain but I still miss something in my life lately. I need to have more close friends who love to hang out. I miss my friends badly. I don't usually watch TV a lot but I noticed that I have watched more TV. It is not a good sign. I know. I need to have some rest in my soul and Spirit to find some ways to adjust well in new place to be more active. Real rest is in the Lord. " Real restoring" is only from the Lord.