Please, forgive me, Lord.

I know most people already know about this picture of the little brothers. The older one took care of his younger brother and gave up his food for the baby and ended up dead.
I always mention the brothers to my kids whenever they complain about our meals like my mom did when I was young. She usually talked about the time of the Korean war without food and supplies to survive.
Our desires never end. When I have one extra shoes, I want to have third one. When I am content with my meal, I want some more with desserts. More and more... The desires never met the"goal".
Jesus told us to share if we have two pair of shoes. How many shoes I have? How many clothes I have? However, I search for a new one again without any guilty feeling. I confess that I am a self-centered one. Please, forgive me, Lord!!
From, this morning as one small act, I decided to give up my coffee for a while to save that money to help the hungers. $1.77 (Tall coffee) or $3.00 (Tall latte). I know it is not big, but I want to be awake with the fact that there are people who are dying without food. And I want to remind myself how blessed I am. I am blessed totally so, I have a responsibility to share the blessing to the other.


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