Don't be afraid of DEAD ZONE!

I love to watch commercials on TV. Some of them are boring and meaningless which even making people confuse what the commercial is about. However, there are brilliant ones. One of my favorites is "the Verizon wireless". It became famous with " Can you hear me now?". They started use a new one with "dead zone" one lately. It has made me think about "trust and belief" between people and the cell phone. If you see the commercial, there are tons of people behind a cell phone user always. Especially, this dead zone commercial one made me think even "secure life with the Verizon". Even though we can't see those people in our real life while we are using the phone, the cell phone became "security blanket" for people lately. At this dead zone commercial the guy told a person "You are good to go". What a relief! And the last part there is a phrase "Don't be afraid of Dead zone!!"...followed by how much to get the deal with the cell phone.

How about our real trust and belief in the Lord ? We say "our God is Living God" and we believe that He is with us all the time in everywhere. However, I can ask myself that 'do I trust Him as much as I trust the cellphone?' Because we can't see the presence of God physically, I often forget His presence. I can imagine that our God asks " Can you hear me now, Yoon?" and tells me that " You are good to go". And He would say "Don't be afraid of Dead zone! I am here with you everywhere you go!!" AND NO CHARGING!!It's FREE! I don't have to pay one penny to get the coverage!! It is already paid!


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