Obedience is the key to how to live following God's guidence in the world. However, it is the most difficult thing to do. Obedience requires a full heart, not a partial. If we obey, that is it; no doubt, no complains, no whining, But rather rejoice, give thanks, and enjoy the situation. It is easy to say but I can tell you that it is very hard to do.
Through a devotion this morning with His words from Numbers 9:23, I confessed my weakness in faith and disobedient life in God. "At the Lord's command they encamped, and at the Lord's command they set out. They obeyed the Lord's order, in accordance with his command through Moses." Living the world is very similar with the Israelite's 40 years until they reached Cannan. We do know the final destination, Heaven, but still need to walk through in faith in every single step. I know and believe that we are saved by Jesus on the Cross, but still we complain, fall, and go astray. Right there, there is the Cross to tell us that Jesus already gave us victory and eternal life, we still get struggled to focus on the Cross but looking around us and starting to compare with others.
I can tell you that for this couple of weeks have been a big roller coast ride to me. Even though I knew and saw His guidence clearly, I got worried, complained, and tempted to quit going to the direction that God opened for me. There have been a number of distractions, and temptations on the road to make a clear decision.
However, I am thankful that God helps me to go on His path and to have faith to obey to Him completely.
Someone said if we fear God and trust Him with all our heart, we must not worry, or complain. We can't do both at the same time in one heart. I totally agree. If I said I trust Him with all my heart, that is it.
Because by obedience we are acknowledging God as our Lord, the loving Father, the Creator, and the Sovereign God. That is why God wants obedience from us. "To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat rams. "1 Samuel 13:22
Through a devotion this morning with His words from Numbers 9:23, I confessed my weakness in faith and disobedient life in God. "At the Lord's command they encamped, and at the Lord's command they set out. They obeyed the Lord's order, in accordance with his command through Moses." Living the world is very similar with the Israelite's 40 years until they reached Cannan. We do know the final destination, Heaven, but still need to walk through in faith in every single step. I know and believe that we are saved by Jesus on the Cross, but still we complain, fall, and go astray. Right there, there is the Cross to tell us that Jesus already gave us victory and eternal life, we still get struggled to focus on the Cross but looking around us and starting to compare with others.
I can tell you that for this couple of weeks have been a big roller coast ride to me. Even though I knew and saw His guidence clearly, I got worried, complained, and tempted to quit going to the direction that God opened for me. There have been a number of distractions, and temptations on the road to make a clear decision.
However, I am thankful that God helps me to go on His path and to have faith to obey to Him completely.
Someone said if we fear God and trust Him with all our heart, we must not worry, or complain. We can't do both at the same time in one heart. I totally agree. If I said I trust Him with all my heart, that is it.
Because by obedience we are acknowledging God as our Lord, the loving Father, the Creator, and the Sovereign God. That is why God wants obedience from us. "To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat rams. "1 Samuel 13:22
Kathryn Layton