
I've been reflecting on the word "beautiful" for a while now. People use it in various contexts to express their pleasant feelings. Sometimes, it is simply uttered as an aspiration: "Beautiful."

Defining beauty is challenging, as it encompasses numerous aspects, insights, tastes, and dimensions. It is also highly subjective.

I turned to Genesis chapter 1, the creation story, to explore how God uses the concept of beauty. In English translations, the word "beautiful" isn't explicitly mentioned; instead, "good" is used. After each day of creation, God remarks that "it was good." The Hebrew word for "good" is "tobe," which means beautiful, well, pleasant, good, and more. I believe this word conveys a sense of wholesomeness.

In Genesis 1:31, when humans were created in God's image, it is written, "it was very good." This suggests that God was especially pleased with His creation of humans.

In today's world, many people struggle with their identities, including their self-images. We often judge ourselves and others harshly. I, too, sometimes feel less than whole both inside and out. However, I contemplate what the Creator might say to me. Perhaps it would be, "You are beautiful as you are, Yoon."

I believe this to be true. We should embrace and accept the true beauty that the Creator has imprinted in us since before we were born, as reflections of His image.

I pray that we gain the insight of the Creator to see each other's true beauty and to acknowledge how wholesome we truly are.


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