Random thoughts

I have difficulties to sleep long enough lately with lots of thoughts in my head. Benefit of being an early bird (often too early though) is having a deep meditation of God's words and prayer time. I woke up at 2:30 this morning, having a devotion with the prodigal son's story. It always give me a deep insight of amazing grace. The detailed descriptions of the father when he saw the son's returning, give me tears always. Even though the son told him that he was not worthy even to be called a son, the father was not even listening what the son said, but just hugged and kissed his son, told his servants to bring the best robe for his son, the best robe!
Whenever I read this moment, I could hear God's voice that He loves me like that. That is the grace!

God gave His only Son to save us. What we need to be saved is just accepting Him as our Savior and surrender to Him all. The surrender brings blessings the best blessings like the best robe. However, we often hesitate to surrender "all", and want to negotiate a deal with God that some parts are ours. When we surrender all, it leads us to be free completely.

I shared some thoughts with my girls last night at their bed time because they were fighting and mean to each other, saying "it is unfair!". I told them that Jesus told us to live unfairly. I know it might have been difficult to understand as children but I tried to explain. Jesus showed how we should live this world unfairly. However, it leads to get ultimate freedom from heaven. That is also an amazing gift from God.

Somehow, God has a totally opposite principle in how to live this world. For example, if we surrender, we will get all with the best. And if you want to be a leader, you must be a servant. And so on....

That is why I said Jesus told us to live unfairly in view of the world. However, I know that it leads us true freedom, and blesses us with the best robes!!


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