Learned a way from playing piano

While I was teaching a little girl the piano at her lesson, I realized a same method between how to play piano well and how to live well in this world; fix our eyes on the Lord. well... for piano case, fix our eyes on the score not the keyboard. My student had a hard time not to press wrong keys and she was only looking at the keyboard. I told her "Trust that your fingers will follow your eyes, believe or not! and just look at the score and read it through. Your fingers will follow your eyes." Tada~ yes, it worked! I think that is the way that I have live in this world. Fix my eyes to the Lord only! not in the world, not in my circumstances, not among people but only the Lord.
At Hebrews 12:2, we find the word; "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Even though we know so well that we have to look up only but why we fail so often?
Lately, I fix my eyes on this world, especially my circumstance all the time to figure things out. Sadly, there is no answer in this level. The answers can be found in the above! Ironically, whenever we face to difficult times, we have a tendency to find answers nearby in our circumstances, and ask questions to people to get the right answer. When my piano student get more confused, she never look up to find answer from the score. Rather, she looks only to the keyboard and tries to figure it out without the right answer!
God has told me to look up, fix my eyes upon Him only. None can give the answer to lead me to live well in this world.
It is also similar at the choir too. Whenever the choir gets lost, most choir members look only the score to figure it out where they are. They should have looked at the conductor who could tell them where the answer is! The choir mostly don't have time to have an eye contact with the conductor, and get worse. I know the situation so well because I have done that. However, when I look to the conductor, I could go back where I got lost right away.
So, the number one tip to live well in this world is "fixing our eyes upon the Lord!!"


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