Getting Free stuff

Do you like to get free samples at Costco? I do. Not only free samples, I do like get free anything. I don't know why but I like to get stuff as free. However, I have noticed that when I get something free, I usually do not give much attention to them. If I drop it on the way, I just do not have much feeling and throw away easily.
I had a chance to talk to several musician friends who teach music. We all agree that if we give free lessons, both students and parents usually don't pay attention to practice enough or even keep the lesson time on time. So, some of my friends have to make them pay, even though they pay less with their financial status. I did give some free lessons before with people who could not afford paying the lesson fees, and could tell you that for sure I agree totally with my friends! I should have asked them pay some. It never success; either they quit the lessons without telling me, or did not show up on time.

Some people even want to pay more to buy famous brands' products such as shoes, bags, clothes etc; as I heard, if the price is too low for the brand, people don't purchase them. So, the store manager told me once that they have to make the price higher than normal brands. Isn't it interesting?

I have thought about my salvation. It is given us as free. We did not do anything to get that. However, it is given through God's grace and mercy. Maybe because it is given as free, people have a tendency put the faith whenever they feel like. If the weather is too good to be inside, they skip worship services and go to outdoor to play. If it rains, they rather stay in bed a little bit longer for their comfort. If there is a soccer game in the afternoon, they want to spend an easy hours of morning time at home instead. I have thought about with the matters. What if we make people paying to get the salvation? I know in the middle age era, churches sold the ticket to the heaven. It was not right and I know totally well about it but still I think we are taking an advantage His grace and mercy. Don't you think?

It is not easy to give great priority and value without paying for anything. However, Jesus paid it all for us. That is the part we easily forget about.
Yes, Jesus paid it all.


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