Welcome May!

I know.... I haven't been writing since February! We already passed Lent, and Easter and now, we are in May!
May is one of my favorite months of a year: in fact, May is called a Queen of the Months. May brings memory of deep fragrance of roses that I used to have in the yard at my parents' house. My grandma planted five different roses for each family members in my household. Mine was a black rose with deep redish strong one. One of my chores at home was watering plants in the afternoon. We had more than 100 pots of plants with flowers, orchards, and unknown plants. Grandma taught me how to water them with kind words like " you are a beautiful flower! grow well!"while I was watering them. Somehow, I was really good at it and enjoyed a lot. In month of May, those roses started blooming crazy. As you all know, the roses are not easy plants to grow: they need lots of care especially dealing with a little bugs. However, they smell gorgeous as they look. I also enjoyed pull a big thorn and put on top of my nose being a rhino. :) What a good memory!
May is also called a family month in Korea: there are children's day on 5th, parents' day on 8th, and teacher's day on 15th. We made carnation cosages to put on our parents' chest on the parents' day. Even though mine was not that pretty, my dad always wore them at his school! oh, how much I miss him.

Lately, the world has been up and down with big news; the royal wedding, tornados, and finally death of Bin Laden. What a variety news!
One thing for sure is none of them seems real. The royal wedding gives feeling of fairy tale, the tornados were too terrible to accept that they really came through within a few minutes, and the death of Bin Laden seems not real for sure thinking back 9.11 with deep wounded pain.
I have thought about a popular phrase with all these news:" What would Jesus do?"
I pray that in May, I think more with that question in most situations, and find answers to follow and live according to the words of God.


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