Alpha and Omega

There have been a number of tornados more than usual in the States during this Spring; They caused endless devastated stories, missing people, dead people, and destroyed lives. While reading those news, I have searching for reasons; really reasonable reasons. Well, I could find some articles from neurologists saying about cold air and warm air and so on, but it did not give me acceptable reasons to believe. I wanted to have reasons that lead to us to some kinds of clearly of why and what for beyond surface. Some people said that bad things happen without reasons. However, as I have read and read, I could not deny that God is the one all beyond those things. Just we don't know why. We might not know and understand until the end because we are not God. Sometimes, we make God as we want Him to be. We know that He is love. His love endures forever. However, I would like to ask what that phrase means. We might not understand His deep love toward us. I still could not understand why He let Jesus came to the earth in a manger that no one noticed, and why He let Jesus to be suffered so badly. Can you understand? I can't. He loves us that much and I honestly could not understand why He loves us that much. We are sinners who always are ready to betray Him. But still... He loves us. That must be a mystery and could not be solved as human being.
Even though we face many tragedies and un-acceptable cases, He is Alpha and Omega that we can't understand.


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