Peppermint Mocha

I love to drink hot drinks: coffee, tea, apple cider, hot coco, and so on. I love smell of coffee at coffee shops. Somehow it gives me some fuggy feeling and warmth memory of Christmas.
When I was a full time doctoral student, I had to drink several cups of coffee to be awake without much sleep. I can confess that I spent a large amount of money in coffee. I enjoyed the smell when I entered the coffee shop, most of all, I enjoyed fellowship at that time with my dear friends. Especially, during cold winter near the end of the semester, my friends and I went there to get some hot coco after long hours of study at the library, hearing background of sweet carols.

After I moved down to Richmond Hill, there was no Starbucks. However, it happened a couple of months later in a Kroger which is located across from my church. So, like a habit, I used to stop by to get a cup of coffee, especially with my dear friends after lunch. Gracefully, my friend treated me often for the coffee.

Since I have moved to VA, I haven't gone to any place to get a cup of coffee. Honestly, I did not have time to drive by, and can't afford it such for a cup of coffee, and most of all I haven't found a friend to go with me yet.
So, today, I drove myself to a nearest Starbucks from my work to get my seasonal favorite to pamper myself. I was so excited but missing those friends. Guess what! They haven't got the peppermint mocha yet! The sign said it should be but they said it maybe will be here on next Monday.

I know that it is nothing to do with Christmas with coffee, or the peppermint mocha. And I know I can't be pampered with a cup of coffee. But I have felt somehow missing and lonely for friends and fellowship. I have tried to figure out why I have felt this way with just a cup of coffee. I am grateful for so many things, and I do not have much problems but I could tell that I haven't had a friend since I have moved. I don't have even one single person to ask to go out for a coffee. They are busy, yes super busy and I am too. However, I wish I have a friend to share my peppermint mocha.


dawnp said…
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dawnp said…
I miss having peppermint mocha with you too, my friend :'( Love you...
Unknown said…
Nu-na, I would totally have a mocha with you if I was there. I only recently started drinking the age of 30. By the way, anyone with the name Yoon Nam is awesome.

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