
As a musician, December is the busiest month of a year. Not only as a musician, but also as a mom, as a wife of a singer, December is the busiest month of a year. I think everyone feels like I do. So it is very hard to make a decision to have a moment to stop, listen, and focused. Thankfully, God has reminded me through our worship services at Floris that I do need to have that moment especially in this season. If I think about Christmas deeply, it is not all about getting gifts, sending cards, having parties, singing at concerts and so on. It is all about Jesus who came down as a fragile baby, given up all the glories of Heaven and earth, to save us.

I truly could understand how happy we are during the season but questioned that "are we really happy because of His salvation?" Jesus came as Emmanuel, God is with us, as a form of a human baby who was totally in poor and fragile environment. It is a mystery. What on earth, the prince of Peace decided to get birth in a smelly barn at a manger. No one was paying attention to the baby unless they saw the star, or angels like shepherds or Magi.

It is just a mystery. Not only Jesus was amazing, but also God, the Father who let His only son to be born to be killed for sinners like me and you. I sometimes really was wondering why He loves us so much. That is also a mystery to me.

However, I am grateful for this mystery because I am saved due to that mystery!

If there is non God's grace and mercy, there must have not been the mystery. We can't explain how and why about this love and grace.

We are going to lifting up "Night of the Father's Love" a Christmas Cantata on this Sunday at Floris during worship hours: 8, 9:15, and 11:00. I have been praying that God sends those people who haven't met that baby Jesus, the Mystery of God's mercy and Grace, to our church. I pray that our worship services will be accepted as fragrant offering to God, and used as God's instrument that people can feel His presence and get reconciled as it is written "Glory to God, and Peace on earth!"

I truly know that it can be happen through Him only. That is why I kneel again for God's mercy and grace. Only the mystery can happen by the Lord.


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