
I could not figure it out what was wrong tonight. I could not find out still. I never have felt this strange in my life with any kinds of musical worship service, or performances. I could not think of anything else than being powerless. It is different feeling from feeling failure. I could feel like there was nothing what I have prayed for. However, I could feel that I had to go out and pray for others somehow, I did. My hearts was aching so bad with something that could not be explained. I knew something bothering me for a while but could not find what it is still. What should I pray for? I have been confessing and repenting but still have struggle to find any answers. Father, what should I do? I even have prayed if He wants me to leave His ministry, I will obey. I do not want to hear people say " The music was beautiful", or "it sounds wonderful." I rather want to hear " I met Jesus tonight" or "I could feel His presence". Am I looking for a wrong answer? Am I being greedy to get right comments? no....I do not need to hear anything from people, however, I long for God's voice. That is it. I could not hear him tonight. I could tell that last year lessons and carols service, I could hear Him so clearly. However, I could not hear His voice tonight. That is why I have been struggle that I might need stop what I do for living right now.
The truth is.... I am feeling that I am nothing. Maybe it is God's plan to let me recognize my problem that I can't do anything by myself. I am impossible in anything without Him. Is this what God wants to learn through tonight? or are there something else? I could not sleep.


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