
When I was in forth grade at an elementary school, I took private lessons with an artist, who was a senior in college and very good. I learned basic sketches and waterpainting. I found myself that I could paint for four straight hours without even complaining it was boring. Also, the teacher helped me to open my eyes to see things in different ways; such as I used to paint only black on people's hair, and he showed me how various colors were combined one person's hair. After an year of painting, I fell in love painting, wanted to go on deeper but my dad did not like me to go on. I could understand why now. However, I was very disappointed that I had to stop going the lesson. I love to see good arts, especially paints. I could get comforted, delighted, and inspired by those too. I used to visit exhibitions in museums often. Nowadays, I do not have much time to go somewhere, so I visit their web site to taste those beautiful pictures. It is a wonderful that I could do that at least. God gives a number of talents and gifts to people to share them to others, and glorify Him. An ability to paint well is a certainly wonderful talent.
My mom has started painting after my dad passed away. She really wanted to learn and age of 72, started taking lessons of painting. She was born with a talent I insist. She also has shared with me that when she paints, she does not feel lonely, or bored.
Arts open my heart and take me to a different imaginary world in the arts.
After I heard the sermon today, I thought about Rambrandt's painting, went to the website. In summer 1994, I went to Armsterdam, Netherland. I had a chance to visit Rambrandt's house. It was a humble, and old house, but I could feel his wonderful views toward people based on the Bible. He was a good christian, read the Bible everyday. I do still remember seeing his old big bible which showed how much he loved reading it. His paintings are such an inspiration especially the pencil paints are just gorgeous. I want to visit again his house someday.
It is Spring. We can observe God's arts everywhere. He is the best artist. We can enjoy His master pieces around us especially this season. I want to open my eyes one more time to see the world in His vision, sight, and heart.