BQQ challenges

It has been a very busy but focused month, September. After sharing my motto of this year (2012-2013) at the choir retreat, I truly have been trying my best to apply my motto; BQQ. Best quality, best quantity to God. I asked a same question like a habit whenever I have moment; "Am I doing my best in this situation spending time?" Interestingly, a majority of killing time has been disappeared; such as watching funny shows through Internet, spending time at Facebook etc. Most of all,  reminding myself to live my best to glorify God in each moment has made benefit on relationship. I even remind myself the question while I am with my girls. It has helped me refocus on conversations, and listing carefully. And when I listen carefully with my full attention, I noticed that I remember better and think of the conversation often afterwards. It helps to understand and pray more for the person too.
Someone asked me how come I came up with the motto. It is a long story but short; I have realized how evil gets people to loose focus on spending things, time, energy, and value in sneaky ways. Technology is a great thing if we use it wisely, as well as all others. However, it is so easy to be fallen into 'blank mind' that we just are there without our conscious. For example, having a smart phone is a great advantage for many purposes, but it becomes a habit to open it without a particular reason and look at some web site while sitting next to someone who is your friend. You might say 'what is wrong with that?' It does not require wrong or right answers; it just a value thing. If we don't take the phone out, what would happen? We might talk to the person. I know it is 50/50 but still there is a more chance than the other case. I think that evil plans in clever ways to make people even being noticed in many ways to loose value in worth; relationship with God, and others, wasting time without conscious.
I could tell you that it is not easy to even discern or recognize what I have spent a day with.

Apostle Paul alerted us in his letters repeatedly as well as Jesus told us to be alert in the Gospel. "making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what 'the will of the Lord' is." (Ephesians 5:16-17).

Life is too short to waste our valuable times to unworthy things. This life is given only once and it will be passing like wind without even our notice.


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