Being a Professional

While I was watching the super bowl, I could distinguish among players who are "professional" and "non professional" through their faces. Well, all of them are pro foot ball players but I still could distinguish who were more "pro" than the others by their attitudes, eyes, and even their smiles.
I have thought about "living life as a pro....". We give people titles as "professional" or "armature" by people's positions. It is also different from "full time employee" or "part time". Not only hours of working, but also their abilities, resource, education, even attitude are elements to distinguish between them. I thought, how about myself? Am I a pro anything? I could say, I am a professional conductor. What else? How about a professional Christian? What makes being professional? If you learn how to play piano for more than 20 years, you become almost a professional. It depends on how much you practice and put your effort in it. I know we can not say "professional Christians". We could say "real Christians". Then, who are the real Christians? However, the word "professional" still convicts me on this matter. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was ten. Then, I am more than 30 years experienced to be a christian. Think about that you work for one job for 30 years. You must have become a professional on that job at least.
I just thought about it and want to live as a pro-Christian. How about you? wondering how I could be one; maybe I need to ask the one who showed us how to; Jesus. "Living like Jesus" must have been the answer. Maybe...because of the obvious answer, we hardly become pro. Why is it so hard? is our eternal goal in our lives on earth.


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