Lean life.

I wonder why people need to workout to live in healthy life. I certainly have in mind that "we have to workout regularly." Whether I am active or not, I gain weight and feel more tired if I do not workout. Whenever people talk about working out, I tell them " I love working out." I honestly do not like it. I love swimming at an outdoor pool during late afternoon. That's it. I sometimes like to run when it's sunny and breezy. However, I tell people "I love to workout". I think that I do that to make myself hearing and confirming that I would like it like....a spelling myself "I like to workout, I like to workout...." How about you? Do you like to workout?
I do not think Jesus did workout. However, I am 100% sure that he was a lean person. I don't think that he ate only organic, fat free food either. He just must have been diligently working hard as a carpenter and walking miles a day to visit the sick, teach people. And he was not like me who like to eat extra when the food is tasty or indulge with food. His interests must have been in "soul food" and feeding "the hunger" with the food. I bet that he often skipped meals without notice because His focus was not in the real food.

One of my goals in 2012 is being "lean". It means many things: my physical body, and my mentality. "Being lean" to me is not too skinny but with enough muscle; no over-weight with unnecessary fat that is from greedy life.
When I am lazy, I gain weight with flabby fat. When I am spiritually lazy, I become dull in my spiritual sight and hearing with filthy worldly stuff.
It sounds too personal to share but it is true for me at least. When I am fully content spiritually, I do not look for unnecessary stuff including chocolates, candies, cookies, clothes, shoes, etc. However, when I feel really need something, I could tell you that I am not very content in Him. I know it sounds too much to be convinced but it is true to me at least.
So, I decided to work out regularly whenever I have a chance physically and spiritually. When I want to stay in a couch, watching something un-important stuff through the Internet, I tell myself "Yoon, you love to workout". When I want to stay in bed in the morning, I tell myself "Yoon, it is time to meet God". Prayer is the most important workout time for me spiritually. Prayer and workout have similarities: neither one is easy, both of them require time and focus-labor, and both never been favorites among people. However, I know that both of them will help me to be a lean person. And both will help burn my unnecessary fat.


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