The Table of Thanksgiving

I am not an american yet. I have a greencard but need to wait 3 more years to apply to be a citizen. I did not grow up in here so, I do not know details about the history of America. However, I know well enough how people from Europe came to America, and a tradition of the Thanksgiving. I watched one of Charlie Brown cartoons about Mayflower and the first Thanksgiving at one of my girls school when I was volunteering. It gave me many thoughts on the pilgrims, the thanksgiving and the faith and prayers toward this blessed land. After watching the movie, I decided to bake a turkey as my first time in my life at our home for this year thanksgiving to share details of the thoughts with my children who are americans. I think that I have a responsibility to teach them a true meaning on thanksgiving that has been mis-understood in many ways in this world now. Seeing devastated situations when the pilgrims arrived in the State with a long terrible journey on the sea made me think deeper about status of their hearts on the first thanksgiving with only a few survivals in this strange land with the strangers. I could imagine what the table would look like and how their faces shine near the table. I don't think that they had all those fancy stencils, dishes, or even napkins with turkey pictures in them. Their table must have been very simple, but full of gratitudes, faith, hope, and even brokeness from their loss of friends and families throught the journey. There must have been laughters, but also tears near the tables. It must have been not only a celebration but also healing time to them.
I pray that people who sit on the table of thanksgiving this year have the moments of celebration and healing time among each gatherings as a true fellowship, and remember the true meaning of the first thanksgiving is not about materials but unseen spiritual things.


Happy Thanksgiving, Yoon. Is that Advent Cactus still alive and, if so, is it blooming? Blessings upon you and your family.
Yoon said…
Yes, the Advent cactus is still alive!but has not been blooming yet. :) I will update for you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Rev. Bill!

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