As a learner

People who have hearts of desire to learn are beautiful whether they are old, or young. Whenever I have met those people, I get inspired. Those hearts are open hearts; open to be better, open to get rid of their old stuff, open to be renewed by learning. Those people have similar attitude and condition; always being active, alive, positive, and giving energy to people around them.
I met a man who was retired from a good company, but still wanted to learn many things; he started to learn how to watercolor paint. And also helping others in a charity group. His face was shinning and young. I was surprised to hear how old he was; the vibrant face was from his ongoing heart to accept new things.
On the other hand, people who do not want to learn or want to stay where they are right now are not beautiful: being inactive, passive, and amazingly they are proud of themselves in many ways.
I have thought about myself in these two kinds of lives. One thing I know of is I want to be a person who has desire to learn always. That means that I am willing to give up on my old stuff when I learn new things.
I want to live as a learner wherever I am.


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