National Anthem

Well.. I could not watch the Superbowl last night because I do not have a cable and no one invited us to come to watch either. :) However, I heard about big moments and stuff afterwards. One of things was the national anthem was sung with wrong lyric. I thought that I misunderstood and went to website to find out what is going on. Interestingly it was true, so I watched through youtube. What a shame! I am not an American but I love the national anthem. It is already beautifully written and inspiring without decorated notes or messing up the lyrics. Most of all, it is shame the singer was chosen to sing the anthem. Also, it is very interesting that only American national anthem has been sung in various versions. I never heard any other countries anthems were sung with any decorated versions. Especially, the song should be sung with great respect as I could tell. I know, I might be an old school person still but why I felt so shame to watch that happened last night. And it made me kind of upset to think about people's thought about "music" and "art". I know.. I might be go too far to take. However, I think that it should be sung at least with respect again for sure. Music can be represented the level of common people's thoughts at that era. It was shame to see and hear what happened last night. There should be no excuse about forgetting lyric of national anthem in front of that crowd. I wish that people who choose those singers or artists think deeply with respect next time. I wish... people respect music and even a simple song.


dawnp said…
It was difficult for me also to watch her sing our national anthem the way she did. Not only was the mistake she made huge, the way she sang it in my opinion was an abomination and showed absolutely no respect for this country or the song. Artistic license crossed the line big time, I wish these event promoters would think seriously hard before they choose who they want representing this country with our national anthem.

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