For the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed.

The Christmas Cantata, Night of the Father's Love, was lifted up to the Lord on last Sunday at our church, Floris UMC. I am deeply grateful for God's presence, and His faithfulness that He answers our prayers always. I heard and purchased the music in may when I was still in Richmond Hill, GA. I prayed to God that "Lord, please let me lift this music up to you". However, I could not imagine how to do it in the circumstance that there was no string orchestra available. And the music was a harder for the choir. While I was applying for my new job, I still prayed if God opened the position for me also to praise Him with the cantata. However, I did not insist to Him that it should be this particular one. I laid everything down to the Lord. After I started working at Floris, and sharing my thought about this Christmas music, it started becoming my dream come true. Even though there were many huddles and barriers to overcome, God has led me keep on praying and moving forwar...