Deceiving of contentment

I have failed to finish a diet program, and try to fast lately. Interestingly, when I am full filled with the Holy Spirit, I do not gain weight. But when I am down in my Spiritual life, I definitaly gain. Since this Spring, I have gain a lot in short period time. I could see how my Spiritual life is by watching my weight. I sounds silly but it is true. I have been stressed and sad in circumstances at my work lately. It is part of reasons but mostly it is from deceiving feeling of contentment in my Spirit. I compromise myself with eating, and making excuses in many ways to get away from the reality.
I ask myself questions this morning, " How much do I hunger and thirst for the Lord?"While listening a sermon at a radio, I agreed in every single word that we need to thirst and hunger to live God's way like we look for air to breath in every moment. We have full of food in our pantries, refridgrators, and counter tops, and waterfountains are found easily to fill our thirst. We live in convience and comfortable enviroment. We do not like to struggle either mentally or physically. We feel that we are content enough. That is trick and deceit. If we do not feel hungry or thirsty, we do not look for the source to satisfy them. I am sure that Satan wants us to be comfortable enough so we do not need to find the source of the true living water, and bread. I could see it so clearly.
Lord, Please give hunger, and thirst for us so we pant for You and seek You desperately.
Lord, we need You!