
Because of high technology, we are living systems of "wireless". I do still remember when I had first time a wireless phone at home. I was amazed how the phone worked. It has accelerated to remote controls, cell phones, wireless mouse, and wireless internet services and so on. It certainly is convienence for sure, especially wireless frees limitation in spaces.

I have thought about our lives with God. It is truly wireless. However, there is an invisible line between Him and us. Interesting part is we often can't find out whether it is connected or not. Like, interent wireless service, we have to have a signal which shows ability for the service. Even though the computer is new and expensive, we can't get a service without the signal. It is like the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Spirit, we hardly get the service. We sometimes get cheated by ourselves by great looking outside.

God's wireless service is eternal, unlimited, and runs by grace.

When I woke up middle of nights with a strange dream, I called Him. "Heavenly Dad, are you there? " I always have His voice right away "Yes, dear." I am happy with my fastest and unlimited wireless service provided by God. I wish we all can realize how amazing its' service works. I wish we all can use frequently more than using the facebook or e-mail. God is Highest-tech. I hope people know that.


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