Lately, my girls have been into buying some necklace, bracelet, or some accessories with best friends forever written to give to their friends. I have thought about my bff:best friend forever. I have had many friends, and it has been a true blessing to have them in my life. However, I am not sure who I can call as my B.F.F. In Korea, old people said if we find a friend who we can trust to ask take care of my family without feeling any sorry or doubt when we are in danger, we can tell that we live a pretty good life. What if I am sick and will die soon, do I have someone to ask take care of my lovely girls without doubt? I am not sure. When I was in elementary school, teachers asked students always who was our best friend. The teachers made a note to each kid whom is their best friend. Interestingly, I usually could not write one single name for my best friend. However, my name was written a lot in my friends' best friend line. My teacher asked me personally one day about it. I told her that I have many friends but could not decide who is my best friend. That is me. I have had lots of lots of friends. Good thing is they think I am their best friend. Most of them came to my wedding, so we had to divide to take a picture in several groups due to large amount. :) Sometimes, it was not that convenience to be a best friend to many friends. They required my attention all the time because I was their best friend. If I did not attend their birthday parties, they would have been mad at me. Fortunately, I still keep in touch with many friends fairly. Beyond all that, I have thought about whom is my best friend forever who can stand by me no matter what. The Holy Spirit is given to us official BFF through Jesus. No matter what...I know He will stay with me and be my best friend forever.
I am truly blessed! How about you?


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