
I don't remember when we started reading our bible in the sanctuary last year. I think it was in the fall. We are now in the middle of 2 Chronicles. Reading bible loudly has been helping me in many ways. Mostly, I enjoy so much especially prayers of prophets, great kings like David. I read from chapter 20 to 22 this morning. In chapter 20, I was stunned by the scene of a prayer. Most time when I read the bible, scenes are alive like watching movie right now. It happened this morning too. I could see Jehoshaphat and people kneeling down in front of God asking mercy. When Jehoshaphat heard that a vast army is coming to fight with them, he did not prepare the war at all. Instead, he did kneel down and told all the people even children and women to do same with him in front of God. Most amazing thing was Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing the Lord and to praise Him for the splendor of his Holiness with " Give Thanks to the Lord for His love endures forever!" The Lord set ambus...