Precious Gift

I have been very busy and tired for more than three weeks due to moving, work, illness, and insomnia. I haven't slept more than five hour for three weeks. I have tried all kinds of teas and methods, but my mind has been so alert because there are tons of works to think about and to do.
I woke up again at 3:30 this morning and heard a voice "What are you preparing for me?" I was thinking about a service of Lessons and Carols this Sunday how to make those transitions between choirs smooth and not so busy. I made posters to put up among stores in town, and a bulletin and have been working on making power point. However, I have missing "what for?" part, the most important part. When I heard the voice, I immediately confessed my mistakes that I have been only thinking how to do everything well. Also, I have been thinking what to buy Christmas gifts for my kids, family, or friends. I haven't thought about what to give to the one whose birthday is.
Our Lord does not need anything-merchandise, because He has everything and is the source of everything. However, He always be pleased with our well prepared hearts to Him.
I want to give my best music as my gift to Him. I want to make Him pleased and happy!
Let's focus to the Lord. He is the One!


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