It is a true privilege.

It is a true privilege that we can pray to the Lord not only for myself but also for others. What if there is no prayer in the world? Can you imagine? One of my old friends asked honestly whether I believe that God answers my prayers whenever I pray or not. I frankly could not answer her question clearly at that time because I sometimes prayed without 100% sure about the answer due to some concerns. However, I could tell her now that I believe that God answers and hears me every time. It is just matter of what kind of answers He gives.
I remembered one of readings about prayers that God never says no. However, His yes could be different than our yes. That is the difference.
No matter what answers He could give to me, I am now 100% sure about His endless love toward us and His faithfulness. That is why I pray.
Lately, I enjoy so much reading bible and praying out loud in the Sanctuary every day. I think He also enjoys hearing me. What an honor!!
Also, I really enjoy praying with the chancel choir holding each pew after the rehearsal. What a blessing to have brothers and sisters in Jesus that we can pray together for same thing!
I am just truly blessed! I give thanks to the Lord for this chance that I could be a part of His works. I am just so honored.