Looking back for a year of my life.

It has been one year since my kids and I moved down to Richmond Hill. I had a moment to look back my first year. I could tell you that it wasn't easy at all. Some people say "you work for the music. just music". Well.... just music! I can not explain if you think it is just music. I choose an anthem, and hymns for sundays basically but also, prepare rehearsals for the chancel choir with 6-7 songs for every Wednesday night, 2-3 songs for the youth handbell, children's choir, the youth choir, the adult handbell, and youth ensemble. It is not easy to find "just music". I have to listen, play, sing, and related to seasonal, or scriptures of that week. There are tons of music in our world. Some are not very good. So, I spend lots of times to find out which ones are good and suitable for our choirs. I have found many regretful things that I did not do well but also, I found some good things too. One of regretful things is not having enough prayer time. If I don't pray, my music most of time doesn't work if you believe or not. So, I will pray more and more for God's presence through our music ministries.
Also, I still don't have many friends. I have tried hard but people don't open their hearts like my friends from Indiana. I will try harder this year to open first and invite people more in my life. Who knows? I will say I made many good friends next year in second year anniversary?

Life is not easy. no. However, beyond all that, God is with me with His endless love. I should remember that.


Change has always proved to be a difficult thing. There is both grief and anticipation present as we leave and go. The good thing we discover is what Abraham discovered. Regardless of where we are, as we go where God leads, He is clearly with us and working for us.

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