Birthday cake

Since I was two, I have had a birthday cake always on my birthday. Sometimes, I ended up blowing candles three, or four times within my birthday week among different groups of friends. That was good time. However, I hardly had a chance to blow candles on the birthday cake lately. First of all, people did not know about me much since I moved to VA. I hardly had a chance to go out to start friendship with anyone since my in laws have moved in with us. Finally, I did not want to get older from a couple of years ago. My dad always told me a story why I have gotten my birthday cake specially and always. My grandparents lived with my family because my dad was the first son. (It is a custom in Korea.) After I started talking around one years old, I noticed myself that whenever birthday came, I wanted to sing "happy birthday" song with a cake and candles. My dad was too busy to remember when I turned to two, came back home with empty hands. Guess what he had to do? He was kicked out...