Daniel's prayers

I have thought too much lately with so many issues in our lives and could not figure them out into writing. That is one of reasons that I haven't been able to update anything lately. However, I have been enjoying presence of God in prayer and worship. I have started attending regularly to the dawn service in Korean baptist church from Wed. to Sat. morning. I could not stay longer to pray because I have to come home to wake my kids to be ready for their school but I stay longer on Saturday. It is a such a blessing that there is a Korean church nearby for that service. I do not think it is matter with God whether I pray at home or at church but I really enjoy opening a new day with praising God, hearing God's word and fervent prayers. God wakes me up at 5:08 every morning for more than a week now. I could not believe how exact the time is at the clock next my bed. I know that God wants to me to kneel first thing in the morning. Our sanctuary reading bible has gotten now to "...