Looking back for a year of my life.

It has been one year since my kids and I moved down to Richmond Hill. I had a moment to look back my first year. I could tell you that it wasn't easy at all. Some people say "you work for the music. just music". Well.... just music! I can not explain if you think it is just music. I choose an anthem, and hymns for sundays basically but also, prepare rehearsals for the chancel choir with 6-7 songs for every Wednesday night, 2-3 songs for the youth handbell, children's choir, the youth choir, the adult handbell, and youth ensemble. It is not easy to find "just music". I have to listen, play, sing, and related to seasonal, or scriptures of that week. There are tons of music in our world. Some are not very good. So, I spend lots of times to find out which ones are good and suitable for our choirs. I have found many regretful things that I did not do well but also, I found some good things too. One of regretful things is not having enough prayer time. If I don...