Grumpiness is not from God.
Have you felt grumpy? I do. Especially I do feel grumpy when I am lack of sleep or physically tired. However, I notice that even though I am lack of sleep or physically tired, I can be thankful and cheerful all the time if I am full of Holy Spirit. That is for sure! I analysize closely my behavior and mood swings. And it is sure that it is not my good personality to be cheerful and joyful all the time. It is the Holy Spirit. I used to think that I was born with cheerful heart because I was always happy, and people liked me, as well as I did too. However, I have found out that I could not be happy (really) and cheerful without Him totally because I am a sinner. My feet run fast to go to sinful thing. My heart always wants to judge people with my own narrow minded ruler, I want to be recognized by people when I do good things, and most of all I want to compare to someone to be better or worse which is I think the most sinful nature. All those sins is rooted somehow in "comparison...