
Showing posts from February, 2010

Gold Medal

I am not a sports fan, but I have been watching the winter Olympic game with my family this week. While I was watching epsecially figure sketings, I could feel the pain in my heart for the people who fell at the performances. As a performer, I could understand 100% how they would feel. They must have spent days and nights in practices to get better and make a fine performance for that day. However, stuff happenes. I do not think that it is because of their lack of practices, talents, or even luck. It just happens without a doubt. Most people try to find reasons why it happens, or to find reasons to blame. Audience and the world are very cold and sharp. They do not accept excuses or behind stories for the failures. The performer can't get a medal for sure. On the other hand, I am so grateful that God does not give medals due to how we perform. Especially, falling is not that matter. After all, falling can be even a good thing because we get better and stronger to hold His hand tight...


I do not like to postpone stuff personally. I know how painful it is to be uncomfortable in mind if there is something I have to do it right away. That was also a good habit to finish my course work and qualifying exams without delaying with two little children and a partime job when I was Bloomington. I was kind of boastful that I rather facing the things right away than postponing with heavy burden in my heart. However, it was a totally wrong thought about myself because I have been postponing to finish my doctorate degree with an unwritten dissertation. Last year Lent, I made my mind that I would write at least couple of pages every day during Lent to finish the dissertation but it never happened. After that, I even did not try to open my dissertation file from my document, look, or read any source for that. I put it all under somewhere that I even do not see near by. Even though it stinks to think about it, I avoided thinking about it and did not want to start again. I know that I ...

Covered Ears

Whenever I read Acts, I am amazed how the Holy Spirit worked through the apostles and how different people's responses to the message of Gospel. Especially, the story of Stephen's persecution gives me deep thoughts. When Peter spread the gospel boldly at the first time right after Pentecost, lots of people responsed with deep rependent "When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" (Acts 2:37) However, when Stephen was testifying Jesus, people even did not want to hearit and stoned him to die. "At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him." (Act 7:57) Why did people respond totally opposite? Was that matter of difference of Peter and Stephen's messages? Was Peter better than Stephen? Was not Stephen in the Holy Spirit? No, not at all. Both of them were fully in the Hol...